Last weekend, the family went to southern Cali to celebrate Cameron and Monica's wedding! It was gorgeous at Ragged Point and the ceremony and celebration were beautiful! Afterwards, Justin and I hitched a ride with Utaro and went down to LA to go to Disneyland! After getting in free, fun rides (not too many for me!), and some very fattening food, we have a great time!
We had a doctor's appointment on the 21st of August and everything went well. We heard the baby's heart beat and scheduled our big U/S for Sept 4th! So in less than two weeks, we will know if we are having a boy or a girl! Everything is going smoothly and we can't wait to find out so that we can start shopping! I have been feeling movement for quite a while now, but kicks are starting to have a little bit more umphf to them!
I hope everyone is well, and we love you all. I will update when we find out the gender!