Monday, December 22, 2008

35 3/7 weeks!

Seriously now, this child can come out in exactly 1 week and 4 days! My body is TIRED of being pregnant! Plus, Justin and I are getting anxious to meet our son! It really seems like these last weeks are dragging along and that he will never be here! My body hurts, I'm tired of random contractions, I just want to give birth! I"m going crazy without horses and exercise!

In other news, snow around here has been crazy! It is getting in the way of everything including birth prep classes, dr appts, work, traveling, you name it! Mom is supposed to leave for cali tomorrow and dad is supposed to leave on weds, lets see if they are actually able to get out of the airport!

I hope everyone is well and safe this holiday season!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

33 3/7 weeks

Well, Baby Avara has dropped! and BOY! am I uncomfortable! I feel like he is going to fall out of my stomach at any moment! We have a dr. appointment tomorrow so we shall see if I am effaced or dialated at all. I kinda hoping that we are so that there is an actually reason for all the pain that I am going through.

I think I am officially done with work. They put too many jobs on me at once and I couldn't handle the stress being pregnant. On top of my own job, I was training a new person, supervising and taking over my former manager's position. It was hard and I can't deal with one of the people that I had to work with. She is not the brightest bulb on the string and made things 50% harder than they should have been.

Plus I was in a lot of pain at work and they just didn't really care. So I am done!

Only 6 ish more weeks until he is here! Justin and I are so excited for him to be here and we are starting to prepare other than just buying things. We are going to install the car seat, set up the crib with its bedding, and are in the process of packing a hospital bag! SO exciting!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Justin and I finally registered for baby preparation classes today, and it hit me; I'm going to have a son in less than three months. I have no clue what the future has in store for me, what motherhood has in store for me. All I can hope for is that I try my best and that my best is good enough. Its an overwhelming emotion, this anxious feeling, the anticipation building up inside a person. It causes tears of joy to roll down one's face, the fear of the unknown is greater now than I have ever experienced.

Justin and I look forward to the day when we can finally look into our son's eyes and marvel in the little person that we have created. Regardless of the sleepless nights, the smelly diapers, and midnight feedings ahead; I can honestly say that this will be the biggest triumph in my 24 years of living. I can't wait to hear his coos and his sweet murmurs, his screams and his endless crying; every sound will be orchestrated into our biggest accomplishment, our son.

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Friday, November 7, 2008

29 weeks!

Yay! only 11 more weeks to go! (hopefully) 3rd trimester has been very interesting, it basically feels like first trimester but with carrying a basketball up front! My morning sickness has been coming back more frequently, I am sensitive to smells again, and boy! am I tired! Baby has been moving around quite frequently, and his movements are becoming slightly painful/uncomfortable as he is getting much bigger. At my ultrasound last thursday, they projected him to be 2lbs 9 oz!

We had our baby shower a couple of weekends ago, and it was so great to have so many friends and family come and support us! We have most of the big stuff that we need for baby, now its just down to the details! So thank you to everyone who was able to come!

On non-baby news: I, (as in Stacy) am getting very ansy to ride some ponies! If I could go over one, just one jump right now, I would be a very happy person. Poor Sailor probably thinks that he will never be ridden ever again! Anyways, I hope everyone is in good health and spirits, check back in soon!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An eventful day :(

I was rear ended by a pickup truck on my way to work this morning, going north on I-5, I had just gotten on the freeway from Federal way. The guy was following WAY too closely even as we got on the freeway, I knew I should have followed my gut feelings and changed lanes! Anyways, I could see that traffic was stopped so I let off the gas and slowed all the way down, I didn't brake until I actually had to stop. All of a sudden, I see the guy coming at me and I KNEW he was going to hit me. There is minimal damage to my car, but I was irritated that the guy tried to blame the accident on me, saying that I had slammed on the brakes. Um you hit me buddy! He actually argued with the state patrol when he was cited for the accident!

So off to the hospital I went to get checked out, since I was cramping slightly and just wanted to make sure that everything with the baby was ok. Justin and I spent a good two hours in the ER and another 4-5 hours in Labor and Delivery getting monitored. Turns out that the baby is fine, I just have a slightly sprained lower back that is KILLING ME. So now I'm on vicodin and taking the day off of work tomorrow to rest. I'm happy everything turned out ok, and most of all, that our baby is safe!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I saw baby kicking from the outside!

I was sitting just now in the computer chair, slightly crooked and sitting to the left side. Baby was kicking super hard and so I lifted up my shirt to see if I could see my stomach move. He kicked super hard and I was able to see a little foot/bump pop out of my right side! It was seriously the coolest thing I have experienced yet during this pregnancy! Justin is in Cali right now, so he missed it, but I'm hoping he will get to see it when he comes home tomorrow!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

23 Weeks!

Today we are 23 weeks pregnant and chugging along steadily! My stomach is getting much rounder and harder, and I am feeling quite a few kicks. Some of them are not as soft as they used to be! I think our child is practicing being a soccer player already!

Nothing much else is going on here, work for me is getting tougher, I can't wait to leave Nippon Express and find a company that treats me well. Anyone have any jobs available?

Right now, justin is in California spending time with his family. I was unable to get the time off, plus I couldn't ride in a car for 14 hours, I'm sure my body would protest. So I am home alone with the cats, sad but I can't wait until he gets home on monday!

It has almost been a year since we got married, I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! I hope everyone is well, and keep tuned in for more belly shots!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Its a.....

BOY!!! I mean not that we expected anything else considering we can't breed girls in this family, but we are SUPER excited about having a son! Everything on the ultrasound looked great and the baby is growing right now target! Let the shopping begin!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

18 weeks 2 days pregnant!

Last weekend, the family went to southern Cali to celebrate Cameron and Monica's wedding! It was gorgeous at Ragged Point and the ceremony and celebration were beautiful! Afterwards, Justin and I hitched a ride with Utaro and went down to LA to go to Disneyland! After getting in free, fun rides (not too many for me!), and some very fattening food, we have a great time!

We had a doctor's appointment on the 21st of August and everything went well. We heard the baby's heart beat and scheduled our big U/S for Sept 4th! So in less than two weeks, we will know if we are having a boy or a girl! Everything is going smoothly and we can't wait to find out so that we can start shopping! I have been feeling movement for quite a while now, but kicks are starting to have a little bit more umphf to them!

I hope everyone is well, and we love you all. I will update when we find out the gender!

Monday, July 28, 2008

14 weeks!

We are at 14 weeks and 3 days! It seems like time is flying by! I haven't quite started to show yet other than a tiny bump and lots of bloat! So far we have had 3 doctor's appointments and every thing seems to be going well! We have purchased a doppler and use it almost every day to hear the baby's heartbeat, It helps reassure nervous me and makes my heart melt everytime I hear it!

We should be able to find out the gender of baby Avara by late Aug or early Sept, no matter what thought, we will be excited for our addition to the family! Currently we are shopping for cribs, strollers, and car seats. If anyone sees a good deal, please let us know!

Only a couple of more weeks until we fly to Southern Cali for cousin Cameron's wedding and Disneyland! I am excited to see Mickey even though I won't be able to ride most of the rides since I will be 17 weeks by then and hopefully showing more! But it will be exciting for Justin since he has never been!

I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope to post a belly shot soon! Cheers!

Friday, June 6, 2008

So in case you haven't heard...

Justin and I are expecting our first child around January 23, 2009! We are very excited and are looking forward to long nights and poopy diapers! The down side is, I'm having to stop horseback riding, and for anyone who knows me, even the slightest bit.... I'm probably going to go crazy. We have our first appointment on Tuesday, the 10th, so i will update more then!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First Entry

Welcome to my first entry of my new blog, I decided that I would change my thoughts over to a new site in order to have a fresh start.

Justin and I have now been married 7 months and could not be happier, I know it has not been that long, but we are truly looking forward to the next 50 plus years together. Sounds really corny eh? I am still working at Nippon Express, the freight forwarder in Kent, I kinda enjoy it though I wish I be in a postion where I actually used my degree in my everyday work life. Justin is still working for AT&T, cell phones are a major part of today's society and continues to be a major part of our lives too.

We hope to be able to buy a condo or a house in the fall/winter, nothing too big, possibly a 2 or 3 bedroom, depending on how much we are able to save before then. I look forward to owning the place that we live, I feel as though we throw away money every month when we pay rent.

The horses are doing well. After 2 months of hard work, I finally have Sailor back to behaving and we are jumping small courses. Nothing like the 3'3- 3'9" fences we were jumping last fall, but we will soon get back there, I can feel it! Dusty is back in Federal Way and is a lesson horse at the same barn that we board Sailor at. At 19 years old, he is doing fabulous and is helping the younger generation to learn and appreciate horses and riding. He was in his first show a couple of weekends ago and a leaser is hoping to show him this summer!

That is all for now, I will update again when I have something worthy to type about!