Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First Entry

Welcome to my first entry of my new blog, I decided that I would change my thoughts over to a new site in order to have a fresh start.

Justin and I have now been married 7 months and could not be happier, I know it has not been that long, but we are truly looking forward to the next 50 plus years together. Sounds really corny eh? I am still working at Nippon Express, the freight forwarder in Kent, I kinda enjoy it though I wish I be in a postion where I actually used my degree in my everyday work life. Justin is still working for AT&T, cell phones are a major part of today's society and continues to be a major part of our lives too.

We hope to be able to buy a condo or a house in the fall/winter, nothing too big, possibly a 2 or 3 bedroom, depending on how much we are able to save before then. I look forward to owning the place that we live, I feel as though we throw away money every month when we pay rent.

The horses are doing well. After 2 months of hard work, I finally have Sailor back to behaving and we are jumping small courses. Nothing like the 3'3- 3'9" fences we were jumping last fall, but we will soon get back there, I can feel it! Dusty is back in Federal Way and is a lesson horse at the same barn that we board Sailor at. At 19 years old, he is doing fabulous and is helping the younger generation to learn and appreciate horses and riding. He was in his first show a couple of weekends ago and a leaser is hoping to show him this summer!

That is all for now, I will update again when I have something worthy to type about!

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