Yay! only 11 more weeks to go! (hopefully) 3rd trimester has been very interesting, it basically feels like first trimester but with carrying a basketball up front! My morning sickness has been coming back more frequently, I am sensitive to smells again, and boy! am I tired! Baby has been moving around quite frequently, and his movements are becoming slightly painful/uncomfortable as he is getting much bigger. At my ultrasound last thursday, they projected him to be 2lbs 9 oz!
We had our baby shower a couple of weekends ago, and it was so great to have so many friends and family come and support us! We have most of the big stuff that we need for baby, now its just down to the details! So thank you to everyone who was able to come!
On non-baby news: I, (as in Stacy) am getting very ansy to ride some ponies! If I could go over one, just one jump right now, I would be a very happy person. Poor Sailor probably thinks that he will never be ridden ever again! Anyways, I hope everyone is in good health and spirits, check back in soon!